After some bad business with the Gaming Commission, Binion was barred from running the Horseshoe Casino, and his sister was in line to take over. Ol' Ted had to find someplace to put all that silver. In the interim, Rick and Sandy had become attracted to each other and began an affair behind Binion's back. The efforts of his new friend Tabish and his girlfriend Murphy in talking him into liquidating the silver were not well received. Binion felt the price of silver was too low and he wanted to wait for a more advantageous time. So, in a stroke of brilliance, he contracted with Tabish to build him an underground vault on his property in Pahrump. The vault was constructed, and on July 4, 1998, Tabish filled the vault with 46,000 pounds of silver from the basement hiding place of Binion's Horseshoe Casino. When Tabish had finished and locked up the vault, he asked Binion if he wanted the locks changed and the key back, and Binion declined, stating he trusted his friend.
About two months later, Binion was found dead. On September 17, 1998, paramedics found Ted Binion dead in the den of his Las Vegas home that he had shared with Murphy for about 3 1/2 years. Initially, investigators thought Binion, who struggled with a drug addiction, passed away from a overdose of tar heroin, Xanax and Valium, drugs he had purchased a day earlier. The 911 telephone call to police to report the death was made by Murphy an estimated four to ten hours later, and she was reported to have cried to the 911 operator that her "husband" was not breathing (Binion and Murphy were not married).
Rather suspiciously, one day after the death of Binion, Murphy is seen on a videotape pointing out which possessions she wants from the estate; accusing the Binion family ofremoving items from the house in her absence and pocketing a wine glass that investigators believe may have contained the drug mixture that was forcibly poured down Ted Binion's throat.
Even more suspiciously, two days after Binion's death sheriff deputies caught Tabish and two assistants, excavating the last of Binion's estimated $7 million of silver coins and bars from the underground desert vault at 2:00 a.m. Their report also stated that they found Tabish's briefcase at the scene containing a safe combination and a handwritten note from Murphy
proclaiming her love for him.
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Orignal From: After some bad business