
As far as British hallmarks


As far as British hallmarks are concerned there were usually five different symbols marked on a precious metal. These included the standard mark, city mark, date letter, duty mark, and maker's mark. Not always was a maker's mark included, and the marks could appear in any order. However, when reviewing a piece of jewelry or antique made of a precious metal the hallmarks give away where it was made, with what, if duty had been paid, and more.

The British hallmark system is pretty difficult and complicated, but it is pretty constant and once you learn it it is not so difficult to determine what the hallmarks mean. However, there are other hallmarks from other countries that are significantly more difficult to decipher and determine what the hallmarks mean. There has been significant research into hallmarks, both British and other European hallmarks, so finding out where a specific item came from and when it was made is a lot easier today with the help of the Internet. Nevertheless, hallmarks con provide plenty of clues into the origination of a precious item although the clues can sometimes be practically impossible to decipher.

Now that you know a little more about jewelry hallmarks you will be more prepared to conduct your own research into the origination of certain antique pieces in your possession. Of course, if you are really interested you might become a collector or a hallmark expert. Regardless, hallmarks provide a lot of information about different pieces of jewelry and other fine objects. It just takes time and effort to determine what the hallmarks stand for.

While the cut of a stone may not be the most important factor in deciding its value, it is critical in terms of determining a stone's beauty. When we talk about cut, we're not referring to the shape (round, pear, etc.), but rather the precision and care used in cutting the gem from the rough stone.

There are three different cutting styles: brilliant cut, mixed cut and step cut. In this article we'll cover the basic elements of all three cuts and how to know if a stone is well cut. So, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about gemstone and jewelrycut  Brilliant Cut.

A brilliant cut uses multiple facets, usually kite-shaped or triangular, that are arranged in a specific way designed to catch the light and maximize the stone's brilliance.

pearl jewerlry that's what they call what happened to me. I guess it's better than disighn for pearl jewalery. But really there are no words to adequately sum up or label what we survivors live through. Sounds dramatic but the closest I can to come describe what happened to me, what I lived through is MURDER. Wikipedia defines Murder as "the unlawful killing of one human being by another. ...generally distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of malice, aforethought, and the lack of justification." I'm not trying to insult families whose loved ones have lost their lives at the hands of someone else. But I make the parallel because I too have lost my life in a way. My life as I knew it has changed to coin pearls wholesale forever. That man killed my spirit and may as well have killed me the night he decided to go to a bar, drug my drink and rape me.

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