
Cameo portraits on rings


established Greek and Etruscan design, new motifs such as the Heracles knot (two loops intertwined) with an apotropaic figurine for averting evil spirits or bad luck was introduced. In 330BC, hoop earrings became fashionable with finial elements of animal heads, figure of Eros, maenads and negroes. Cameo portraits on rings and pendants and coiled gold snake-shaped bracelets made an appearance at this time. Upper class women of Roman times wore extensive amounts of jewelry and men were expected to adorn themselves with a minimum of one ring, made of gold or carved stone including a seal stone for wax-sealing important documents.

The period from 1920 to 1935 is referred to as the Art deco period. It produced dazzling pieces in bright colors and straight lines. Long earrings were a popular part of Art deco jewelry. The antique Art deco jewelry is studded with emeralds, sapphires and rubies. These are jewels fit for a queen. Needless to say they are exorbitant and rare.

Art nouveau jewelry was popular in the years between 1890 and 1919. Motifs used in this jewelry were inspired by nature. Butterflies, dragons, orchids, snakes and lilies were the popular motifs preferred. Widespread usage of precious and semi-precious gemstones, horn, copper shell, tortoise shell, ivory and shells was the norm.

established Greek and Etruscan design, new motifs such as the Heracles knot (two loops intertwined) with an apotropaic figurine for averting evil spirits or bad luck was introduced. In 330BC, hoop earrings became fashionable with finial elements of animal heads, figure of Eros, maenads and negroes. Cameo portraits on rings and pendants and coiled gold snake-shaped bracelets made an appearance at this time. Upper class women of Roman times wore extensive amounts of jewelry and men were expected to adorn themselves with a minimum of one ring, made of gold or carved stone including a seal stone for wax-sealing important documents.

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