
Difference in cultured

Difference in cultured and natural pearls can't be made with naked eyes; however, distinction becomes very prominent when seen through x-rays. Cultured pearls are used in pearl jewelry as well as in cosmetics. One should also be careful about imitation pearls.

Pearls, pearl necklaces - pearl jewelry are always alluring and dazzling because of their natural and lustrous appeal. Pearl Jewelry is one of the most romantic jewelry gifts. Pearls are not only the symbol of purity, virtue and modesty but are real organic gems on this earth. Cultured pearls are more than just jewels. If diamonds are forever, pearls are timeless fashion statement. Pearl Jewelry is always in fashion and always in style.

The pearls are hard rounded objects produced by certain mollusks, primarily oysters. A pearl is valued as a gemstone and is cultivated or harvested for jewelry. The pearls are formed inside the shell of certain bivalve mollusks.

The pearls that are artificially cultivated in oysters by planting a core or nucleus into pearl oysters are cultured pearls. Kokichi Mikimoto in Japan first developed this pearl culturing process in 1896. The original Japanese cultured pearls are known as akoya pearls. Akoya pearls are commonly known as cultured saltwater pearls. The cultured pearls are also produced using abalone.

The freshwater pearls are farmed using the pearl mussels. The fresh water pearl farming began in 1914 at Lake Biwa. Since then the phrase biwa pearls has become synonymous with freshwater pearls. The baroque pearls are simply pearls that are not round and have an undefined shape. The freshwater pearls are most commonly baroque pearls. The freshwater pearls are characterized by the reflection of rainbow colors in the luster. Organically a pear is composed of calcium carbonate and conchiolin. This combination of these compounds is known as nacre or mother of pearl.
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