
The oyster is returned


The oyster is returned to the waters for its growing period. As with the first generation, this is 18 months to 3 years depending on the farm, growing conditions and desired results.

Upon harvesting the second generation pearl, a third generation implantation may occur. This is rare. As the oyster ages, the quality of pearls it produces goes down. Luster is highest in the first generation.

Can you tell if you are buying a first generation pearl or a third generation pearl? No. You cannot tell the 'parentage' of the mollusk just by looking. If you are working closely with the farm, you may have this information. But even the farm is most interested in producing fine quality, lustrous smooth pearls.

This article focused on considerations regarding size of just two varieties pearls. The best rule of thumb? Buy the pearls with the highest luster and the smoothest surface for the best investment value. Buy the pearls that appeal to your heart for the most pleasure.It can be really wonderful if one can make pearl earrings on one's own, since among women, pearl earrings happen to be one of the most favored jewelry items. Pearl earrings can be made easily, even as anklets, bracelets or necklaces are the pieces that come to mind, when pearl jewelry is thought of.

With alteration in the kind of earrings, the requirements for the material required for making these also changes. Dangle, chandelier and stud are among the kinds of earrings that are available. Making use of a couple of pearls that are round in shape and are quite plain otherwise, designs for earrings that are graceful and yet quite simple can be prepared. Being expensive and fancy need not be essential qualities associated with pearl earrings.

Pearl bracelets and necklaces of the matching type can also be created, apart from previously owned pearl jewelry being combined with the earrings created on one's own. A dangle earring pair can be created by following the procedure described here, which, obviously, has to be repeated twice.Flat nose pliers, round nose pliers and wire cutter are among the tools for making jewelry that would be required, along with ear hooks, wire and head pins. Beads made of turquoise or crystal can also be used, if a combination is desired to be prepared, besides the basic requirement of pearls for making the earrings.

pearl jewerlry that's what they call what happened to me. I guess it's better than disighn for pearl jewalery. But really there are no words to adequately sum up or label what we survivors live through. Sounds dramatic but the closest I can to come describe what happened to me, what I lived through is MURDER. Wikipedia defines Murder as "the unlawful killing of one human being by another. ...generally distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of malice, aforethought, and the lack of justification." I'm not trying to insult families whose loved ones have lost their lives at the hands of someone else. But I make the parallel because I too have lost my life in a way. My life as I knew it has changed to coin pearls wholesale forever. That man killed my spirit and may as well have killed me the night he decided to go to a bar, drug my drink and rape me.


Orignal From: The oyster is returned
