Paddy Landau shared her experience. "My father, who used to own a large business, told me a story about his highly competent secretary. He had interviewed a number of people for the position, all of whom were young women, sexily dressed. Except one, who was older, conservatively dressed, and had excellent references. As he was finishing the interview with her, she said, "I suppose you won't hire me, though, because I'm too old."He did hire her, and was always pleased with her performance.
Regarding the study of perfectly balanced faces: This derives from an evolutionary fact that it takes energy to create a well-balanced face. A well-balanced face is indicative of "better genes" (i.e. genes that would predispose the offspring to a higher chance of survival). Although this is no longer relevant in today's world, our instinctive reactions remain. Of course, we do have the ability, unlike other animals, to overcome our instincts".
Rosanna Tarsiero also commented"Though I am not extremely attractive, I am attractive and "taken care of" (in terms of skin care, make-up and clothes) enough for it to be a problem in real life, which also is why I prefer online settings. Online, I can be myself without clients/colleagues/bosses to look at me as if I was purple and with three eyes, JUST because Isaid something intelligent and I "wasn't supposed to". As a woman I met on the net once told me after having read my works, and just after having seen my pictures: "I couldn't imagine you were beautiful". Lord knows why.Even when your focus isn't on your beauty, THEIRS still is, and they still suppose yours to be as well. Or you have to give your make-up up, as well as your clothes, just because THEY have "the problem", in terms of stereotyping you (i.e.: cured=stupid).
I think it's also because in order to succeed you have to depend on yourself, not on people's judgments. So, if you look at beautiful persons that also are successful (like for example Charlize Teron or Denzel Washington), you'll find out they thought they were ugly. Therefore, they focused on something else, which in turn made them less dependant on what people's think of them".It's not easy to be beautiful and not exactly because beauty doesn't last.
Though I don't have a Wholesale Jewelry China or gunshot wound my wounds run just as deep. They can't be sewed up like a stab wound, taken out like a bullet or seen in an x-ray. They lie deep inside. And they hurt of Wholesale Jewelry China. They cause me to lay awake at nights, struggling to sleep then wake me in a state of panic. They cause me to be afraid. All of the time. And no matter how many times I tell myself "I'm safe." "Nobody can hurt me." They cause me to be jumpy and fearful of everyday sounds and events. They cause me to doubt myself, forget things and live a sad existence. They caused me to want to die and to act upon that want to get crystal jewelry wholesale. They caused me to end up in a psych ward. They caused me to quit my teaching job and close my business. They caused me to stop leaving my house except for doctors appointments.
Orignal From: Paddy Landau shared