Another way to tell if they are genuine is to rub a pearl against your teeth. If it is smooth, it is not genuine. Pearls will always have a roughness that you can't detect visually. The orange beads could be coral. If they are genuine black pearls, their value would depend on size, quality and color. Something only someone with a "hands-on" examination could determine.
I'm going to sell an antique strand of pearls and a potential buyer asked to know how the pearls were "signed". Generally in old items and even some new, signed simply means some means of identification of the maker or designer. On antique glassware for example, a signature mark may be pressed or cut into the glass. Some antique costume jewelry is "signed" with a makers mark and that does increase the value if the maker is among the popular ones at the time.
For pearls, a "sign" is difficult. The only place for a signature or makers mark is generally on the clasp area. This will be either on the clasp or the "tongue" that goes into the larger clasp body. Clasps can be changed when pearls are restrung and a signed clasp can always be suspect as to the real "maker" of the pearls. If these are genuine or cultured pearls, the value is likely more in the pearls than in the "signature".
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