From the time of fiction to historic novel, there are two well-known symboles in the system of Chinese culture: one is Monkey King, the other is Nezha. They are both having the spirits of Libai, a famous chinese poet, their appearance is also a metaphor to chinese culture, they represent betrayal and freedom. The two characters happen to the fiction of the time Ming Dynasty, it is not a accident, it indicates people at that time has had the signal of emancipating their minds.
Monkey King, he is born from a stone and has no parents, it stands for some kind of hope to the author, he also personally wants to be a man like Monkey King, which does not need to worry about the burden from family and has no constraint at all, his spirits is totally free. Monkey King is a symbol of freedom in chinese culture. However, once he has something concerned, the situation would be different. After being saved by Monk Tang from the mountain of Five Finger, he has to repay an obligation. This let us think about Chinese Confucian culture, it points out that everyone has a debt when he is born. After meeting with Monk Tang, Monkey King has concernd, he couldn't act at his will like before, but constrainted by Monk Tang's hoop malediction. We are always confused that why Monkey King is not that powerful as the past, every conflict with enemy, he needs help from others, for what reason which makes he is so weak after being the apprentice of Monk Tang, that is because he has his burden and worry now, these shackles restrict him from running forward.
Besides the character of Monkey King, another symbol of freedom is Nezha, in "Pilgrimage to the West" this two people get well along with each other. The most moving scene for Nezha is he sacrifice himself to save his parents lives. This tragedy is all because of the mistake he made by himself, but in order not to tie up with his father, he decides to pay for it personally. In chinese culture, it is un-forgiveable for children to bring troubles to their parents. After reborning from lotus root, he owns a powerful magic, so Kwan-yin gives his father a tower with magic to prevent Nezha from continuing making any big mistake. Just like the hoop malediction on the head of Monkey King, they are both used to restrict their over-doings.
Orignal From: Ethic, the shackles to humanity liberation for Chinese culture