
Among the many gems of nature

The US jewelry industry is heavily regulated to prevent misrepresentation or fraud. All jewelry sold in the US must be clearly described according to regulations set by the Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/jewel-gd.shtm).You can also visit the pearl exhibition webpage of the American Museum of Natural History (http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/pearls/index.html) or the pearl sellers industry association, (http://Pearl-Guide.com).

Generally unique pearls are those which are perfectly clean. There are also those which are cultured. Companies offer matchless pearls to cater to distinct markets. The following are some of the rare kinds of pearls being offered by companies nowadays:

Among the many gems of nature, one of the brightest and most beautiful is the coral. Imagine a sparkling necklace that has come from the coral reefs of the Pacific! And similar to pearls, coral is an organic jewelry material that comes in a variety of colors – from the typical red, to pink, white, blue, brown and black.

Not all corals qualify as jewels. Actually, in jewelry only the "Corallium rubrum" and "Corallium japonicum" are used. Once upon a time corals were extracted from underwater reefs with dragnets, but environmental worries have pressed for less-damaging means of collection –- for instance, divers collect corals, rather than dragnets.

After being extracted from the sea, corals are processed until they become suitable for rings, necklaces and other jewelry. Part of the processing is polishing, when corals obtain their marvelous gloss. Another requirement for quality coral jewelry is that the coloring is even and the surface is not scratched or pocked with cavities.

When I think about how my life has changed of enhancer jewelry since the rape and how unique rape of tin cup rope pearls is I feel more alone and isolated than ever before. Because I'm different now. Because someone raped me. My body was violated of freshwater pearl and turquois. So if you can't bring yourself to imagining what if it were you - at least imagine how difficult it is for survivors. We don't need to dwell on details of the attacked by pendant enhancers. It is truly unimaginable. I understand why people can't imagine themselves in my shoes and why it's difficult for many people to experience empathy. So let's skip that part and fast forward to what it's like for me now. Don't look at what was done to me, look at what was taken from me.

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