
First, the term "pearl" is not but should


Diamond for April

The name diamond is derived from the Greek term adamas which means invincible. This gemstone is the hardest precious metal known to man that only another diamond can scratch it.


First, the term "pearl" is not but should be applied only to natural pearls, formed in a mollusk when some event in nature induces the oyster or mussel to form a pearl. These pearls are quite rare and are the pearls of antiquity before pearl farmers learned to culture pearls. Freshwater pearls fished from the rivers in the USA are natural pearls but nowadays, most freshwater pearls are also cultured in freshwater pearl farms.

In any event, naturally forming or cultured, such pearls are formed in the oyster or mussel and are not fakes. The real difference in the totally natural pearl and the cultured pearls is what makes the pearl start to grow and the thickness of the nacre. Nacre is the pearly layers that make a pearl so lovely. The natural pearl will have very thick nacre, generally forming in concentric rings around some starting source or irritation to the mollusk.

A large natural pearl is very, very rare. Cultured pearls generally use a "core" of mother-of-pearl, the shell of the mollusk. The bead core goes into the mollusk and nacre is formed around the core. The core determines the overall shape of the pearl. How long the oyster is allowed to let the pearl grow determines the thickness of the nacre. Thicker nacre is better. Best of all is thick nacre and a smooth, almost blemish free surface.

Rape doesn't just affect the victim of coral and pearls jewelry it affects their family and friends and makes intimacy an issue. Not just sexual intimacy either - a simple hug from an old friend or concerned relative can cause discomfort for a survivor. My sleep is affected by frequent nightmares or sleepless nights and my breathing is often rapid and panicked. My appetite swings between non-existent to insatiable and my whole system is out of balance. I walk around in a constant state of fear and no longer leave my house alone. I went from a successful, confident woman to a frightened and extremely cautious pearl jewlery of who I used to be. I was disgusted with myself, felt like damaged goods unworthy and alone. I was unable to trust myself or my decisions. Everyone around me became a source of stress, confusion, annoyance or fear. The man who attacked me took away my belief for awhile that this is a good world of wholesale coral jewelry filled with good people. And everyone was a potential threat it my mind.

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