"Spinel" is mostly thought of as a stone for "class rings" and lots of manmade spinel is used in those rings. Spinel is a natural stone rarely seen but one color is a deep and lovely blue. Spinel may also be red in color. "Tourmaline" is a faceted gemstone and colors are all over the rainbow.
A blue type is called "Indicolite" and may be pale to very, very dark blue. Other blue stones which are considered either precious gems or are too light in blue color to match the ocean view from space are: Blue topaz (treated to get the dark blues), Aquamarine (paler blue), Turquoise and Blue Zircon (heat treated to make it blue).
A note about precious and semi-precious gems: Some of the "precious gems" like sapphire may cost less than a gem quality lapis or spinel, for instance. The price all depends on the quality of the particular stone. Over all, quality level by quality level, precious gems like diamond, sapphire and ruby will be much more expensive than the other stones. A semi-precious stone may range in a few dollars to several hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on quality, such as with "Opals".
Some of the semi-precious stones like "Agate" will command higher prices for especially beautiful stones but will not compete even closely to better precious gems. What we like is all in the eye of the wearer! Lapis like the ocean seen from space is a lovely gemstone.
Ever heard the song "Walk Like an Egyptian" by the Bangles? It came out in the late 80s and has been stuck in my head ever since.......but I digress. Egyptian engagement rings are not for all......and maybe not even for a few... but someone must be buying them because there are a number of online stores which sell egyptian jewelry.
I never seen any women sporting egyptian engagement rings so rest assured you would probably be the only couple on the block to own one.
Interestingly enough, women in ancient Egypt were no different than women today in that they loved their jewelry, particularly rings. Women wore numerous rings, sometimes as many as three on a finger. In ancient Egypt, rings often served as status symbols. For example, gold rings indicated wealth and were also used as money. When a couple was married, the man placed a gold ring on a woman's finger to show that he trusted her with his money. Hmmm....... sounds like ancient Egyptian men and men today also have a lot in common :) The betrothal ring, used by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, was adopted by early Christians and later morphed into the wedding ring.
"Signet" rings, identified the rank and position of the wearer. These rings were often embellished with carvings of scarabs (beetles) or hieroglyphs. The scarab is said to represent the powers of creativity and re-creation responsible for the evolution of one's life and one's soul.
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Orignal From: "Spinel" is mostly thought