Well the first place most people go when they want to get cash in a hurry is the local pawn shop. You are likely to get the least amount of money via this route. The folks at the pawn shop know that you are coming to them because you are desperate to unload this bitter reminder of a once beautiful love story...and they know you want the cash and you want it right away.
A better place to try might be a jewelry store that specializes in selling estate jewelry. Shop your engagement ring around as you might get different estimates from these stores that could bring in hundreds if not thousands of additional dollars, depending on how nice the ring is to begin with.
There's always the local paper. This can be hit or miss. The odds are not in your favor as probably only about 10%-20% of those listing in the paper unload their goods. Nonetheless, you may be able to get more of your money back this way, versus selling to a pawn or jewelry shop. If you do decide to go this route, make sure to meet the prospective buyer in a well-lit public place. The last thing you need to have happen is to get mugged...you've got enough stress in your life with a broken engagement. Also, do not accept checks of any kind. Play it safe and request the money in cold hard cash, if the prospective buyer is interested in making a purchase.
Last but not least there is ebay. It's not easy to sell an engagement ring on ebay but it is possible.
If you're not getting anywhere near the price you would like, you may just want to consider holding onto it. After all, you could turn it into a beautiful pendant, bring it out on rainy days to look at, or save it for the next special person that comes along...
Winston may be most famous for once owning the Hope diamond which he donated to the Smithsonian Museum in DC. I've seen the diamond firsthand and it is awe-inspiring!
Harry Winston established his company in 1932. He apparently had a love affair with diamonds....feeling immense joy when acquiring a new bauble and deep depression when selling one of his pride and joys. Harry's son Ronald Winston is currently chairman of the company.
Unlike other jewelers, Harry Winston is hands on from start to finish with their pieces. The whole process of cutting, polishing, designing and creating the finished jewel is conducted in the Harry Winston 5th Avenue building in NYC. Their jewelry and engagement rings are like no others when it comes to quality, craftsmanship, and prestige.
Image has always been of the utmost importance to Harry Winston. Harry Winston has draped some of the world's biggest celebrities in diamonds. Who could forget Bennifer's enormous pink diamond engagement ring.
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Orignal From: Well the first place most people