? First pearl of wisdom. Depending on the type of image you wish to portray, high class products, or cheap items, you need to reflect this company image all the way throughout your launch. This could make your launch very expensive, or cheap!!
? Do you really need a public launch??? What are the benefits of spending money on this launch, and what will you gain by it, after all you do what to generate sales, not put on a festival for people to have fun!!!
? Therefore, make sure you have allotted people, whether from local universities, business courses etc.. to approach people on the day and encourage sales through excellent offers only available for that day.
? Start at least two-three months in advance if possible, you need a lot of time to get in touch with your target market, check out venues, and all the other mad things you'll need to do.
? This may sound obvious, but is your product refined, perfect and ready to go, and do you have enough of a range for people to buy, because if you don't people make like your company, but not see enough of a range to like anything- which is what I learnt very quickly!
? Try to look at all the other local and national complimentary companies, so for example like me if you'r launching an ethical fashion company, you could invite ethical jewellery companies, shoe shops, hat companies, make-up companies to come and spoil your clients on the day at the same time, life coaches to give your people free sessions, free massages, etc…
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Orignal From: ? First pearl of wisdom. Depending on