Pubescent males have always lusted after older women; I know I did years back. In this day and age however, when you look at the abundance healthy, fit, swishy looking older women, see them in micro and see-through bikinis and in many cases nude on the beach there is no way the young male can control his glands.
Sorry, but the average 15 year old male of today is not the naive and un-knowledgeable youth of my day. He has been bought on television, playboy, hustler and porn movies. Films in my day were based on romance and courting the lady with respect while the films today are more like "Karma Sutra" visual instruction manuals. Today, the average 15 year old male has witnessed every nook and cranny of the female form and, having learnt what to do with it, it's only natural he wants to do it. Of course he has little idea how to treat the lady socially only on how to bed her. Lucky little sods.
Now what about the women in this scenario? Her reward for a passionate involvement that reached her point of uncontrollable sexual arousal is a crippling fine or worse -jail term. In contrast I might ask, what about the tens of thousands, if not millions of men, who daily throughout the world have sex with young girls of age 15 or less, be they prostitutes or what ever.
Are you familiar with jewelry?
Orignal From: What about the young fellows involved