A pearl starts growing when some irritating foreign substance such as a sand grain, bit of mud, parasite or other object becomes lodged in the shell-producing gland called the mantle. Pearls formed in the soft flesh where nacre can be added on all sides are most likely to be spherical and the most highly prized. By far the great majority are flattened or variously distorted and have little value. Size, color, luster and freedom from flaws are other essential qualities. Unlike other gems, such as diamonds, pearls have an average life of only about 50 years. In time the small amount of water in a pearl's make-up is lost and its surface cracks. Because they are mostly lime, necklaces which are worn often are injured by the acid secretions of the human skin.
The jewelry made of pearls is always high on purity, and durability. From 19th century onwards, pearl jewelry has always been amongst the most sought-after jewelries. Pearls have their own elegance to them which is unmatchable. That's why everywhere a lot of people are seen showing interest in buying pearl jewelry.
Do you find more knowledge on how to care freshwater pearl jewelry, pearl necklace set, turquoise jewelry, coral jewelry, shell jewelry, shell pearl jewelry and sterling silver jewelry, also you can get more knowledge on how to match pearl necklace, multi-strands necklaces, pearl bracelet, pearl earrings to your different styles of clothes. In China Wholesale Pearl Jewelry centre you also can get more styles and colors of pearl jewelry to match any colors of your skin
Orignal From: A pearl starts growing when some